Music in School
Bolton Music Service has an outstanding reputation for its work with Schools. We have a large team of specialist music teachers working for the service and schools can choose to develop music in a diverse range of musical instruments and styles. We support schools with classroom work, ensembles and choirs and provide a large number of exciting performance opportunities in high profile venues across the Greater Manchester region.
Supporting Pupils
Young people can develop their interest in music by joining our evening Music Centre activities and by taking up a weekly group lesson in their chosen instrument. These activities lead to a range of new opportunities such as residential trips and international tours, projects with our partners (Halle, RNCM, Chetham’s School of Music, Salford University, Band on the Wall etc), opportunities with the Greater Manchester Youth Ensembles and performances in high profile venues such as the Bridgewater Hall. See our Music Tuition and Ensembles page for more details.

Music in the Community
We work with the charity Trust Music to develop a broad range of music making opportunities for adults. You can join a Community Choir, a Guitar group, a Keyboard session, a Community Brass Band, Rock of Ages (adult rock band) and weekly Ukulele classes and more. Our Community page has the full details.
Music really does matter and is at the heart of our community in Bolton.
There is something for everyone.
Everyone is Included
We believe that all children, from whatever background and whatever additional needs they may have, should have the chance to make music. We seek out children in difficult circumstances by liaising with local head teachers to provide musical opportunities, whatever the challenges may be. We work with a range of partners who provide specialist support for children and families in challenging circumstances and we work with a number of charities to provide financial support and bursaries where they are needed. Inclusion is at the heart of our service.
CPD for the Music Workforce
Our musicians and teachers are committed to the very best music education. We make sure that they have access to good quality training and CPD so that our children, families and schools receive the very best musical opportunities and development. We create new resources, we share good practice with our partners and we train our teachers to deliver to the highest standards. All teachers in schools can access our Bolton and Greater Manchester training programme.